French Cuisine With a Modern Flare

Clown Bar


Dynamic energy. Bright plates. Intimate atmosphere. A meal at Clown Bar is as charming as it is vibrant. It is our favorite Natural Wine bar in Paris.

The room is a small café fashioned into a wine bar. Nothing fancy: 10 tables arranged around a cramped room with a short, wooden bar for a few extra seats. A large espresso machine, an array of wine bottles behind the bar, and a handful of outdoor Parisian bistro seats add touches of personality. On top of this, everyone is happy. Smiles everywhere, with young and old patrons alike enjoying themselves.

Drinks come next. With a robust selection of Natural Wines, Clown Bar focuses on little known organic wineries producing food-friendly, drinkable table wine. The bright, acid-driven wine profiles pair beautifully with the food. The wines are not complicated; this gives the food a chance to shine.

That’s a good thing, too. In a word, the food is exceptional. More than good, it’s creative. The chef deconstructs what we know about traditional dishes and creates new, tastier versions.

The food menu is small. A few apps and a few mains allow the chef to focus on flavor. It also gives you a chance to try everything. Flavors are precise. Textures are intriguing. Creamy goat cheese envelops endives, Asian-inspired pho soup adds savory notes to veal brain, vinegar brightens the earthy beef tartare.


In fact, taste the beef tartare and you’ll taste everything about Clown Bar’s approach to food in one dish. Start with a known French dish, disassemble it to its basic components, take out anything boring, add magical touches of life. Shaved horseradish, chopped butter lettuce, onion, and vinegar. It’s incredible.

When you find yourself in Paris, drop in and see what we mean. Reservations are a must.

Located in the 3rd on Rue Amelot
Paris, France

Shawn Bankston