EDITION III: Everything is Connected. It’s apparent Everywhere in Nature.

The wind, sun, rain, plants, trees, insects, and animals… all are connected. Humans are also part of this connected ecosystem. Our consciousness, which is expanded with the practice of intentional awareness, is our highest path to be a part of the source and energy of our Natural World.

It’s clear to me that everything is connected to a source and energy. I see this on the farms we tour around the world. I also taste it in the life and spirit of our living Natural Wines. Each wine dances to the spirit of the farm and the soul of the farmer. Like us, Natural Wine growers universally believe in the connection between Nature, spirit, and the logic of the evolved ecosystem.

When you visit a Natural Wine grower, the focus never begins on the wine. They first bring you to the vineyard, grab a handful of soil, and passionately explain the spirit of living soils, biodiversity, and how the whole farm is connected. In that environment, you feel it—the spiritual presence of the connection.

Similar to Natural Wine growers, I also believe we are all connected to a unified source and energy, a single ecosystem. It’s why, at Dry Farm Wines, we dedicate the beginning of each day to what we call Conscious Abundance, a practiced state of harmony with all.

Our entire family begins every day at 10:00 with an hour of meditation and gratitude practices. These daily rituals begin our day with a quiet, peaceful, and connected experience and prime us for an intentional life of love, gratitude, and unconditional commitment that we share together.

When I share with other business people that we don’t start creating (we always talk of creating, not working) until 11:00 or 11:30 in the morning, they look at me like I’m crazy. What about all the lost productivity? What we have experienced is that protecting the morning for family and personal time and then starting our day together with light, love, and heart creates a peaceful day and a bond of immense value to the organization.

Peace and love are two of the most important aspects of life to us.

We have a strong and shared belief; when we look back on a life well lived, we believe these three commitments will be important measures of a successful life…

How much we loved, how gently we lived, and how our legacy benefitted Mother Earth. After all, we are all connected through her.

With love and gratitude,

Shawn Bankston