The Preciousness of Water

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Precious /’preSHes/ An object, substance, or resource) of great value; not to be wasted or treated carelessly.

Water is the lifeblood of earth, precious and key to the flourishing of modern civilization. Without it we would not exist. Much like the sun brings life to this earth, water is the conductor of the great symphony between all things alive on this planet.

Although 71% percent of the earth is covered by the ocean, only 3% of this amount is fresh water. It’s estimated that somewhere around 1% of this fresh water is available to drink. The rest is found frozen or deep underground and inaccessible to humans.

Because of water’s scarcity, one thing has remained true throughout human history: access to water is a critical factor for our survival and success. As society progressed from nomadic hunters and gatherers to what we consider civilized city-states and nations, water gave life to the establishment, growth, and flourishing of settlements worldwide.

For example, agrarian societies that relied on farming created a strong dependence on water accessibility. Notable uses of water systems in early societies were found in Mesopotamia, Pakistan, and Crete. Water distribution in these regions varied from simple stone rainwater channels to underground piping allowing for sanitary waste practices. This advanced technology allowed access to water enabling these societies to flourish.

For any society to function properly, clean water is a key element. It comes as no surprise that 70% of the earth’s population lives within three miles of a water source. Still today some cultures walk much farther for access to clean water, while others have the luxury of simply turning on a faucet to allow this precious liquid to flow freely.

Together as a community we grow wiser by learning to live in harmony with the Earth. A simple part of this greater journey is a shared sentiment of Earth’s water as a resource to be valued and respected. We hold this belief not only of what water gives to us, but because we understand how integral a part water plays in the greater ecosystem that is responsible for all life on Earth. Every time we wash our hands, take a shower, or sip this expression of perfection, let us all take a moment to revel in the preciousness of water.

Shawn Bankston