I thought I drank too much...

I thought I drank too much wine. Then I found pure Natural Wines…

Todd White, founder of Dry Farm Wines here.

A few years ago, I became fanatical about what I put in my body. This meant re-evaluating what I ate and drank.

I lived in Napa and LOVED wine, but commercial wines were not fitting with my lifestyle. I didn't feel great, and I know I'm not alone with this problem.

If you care about what you put in your body, you likely experience the same conflict with alcohol.

I went to a friend for help. He asked if I heard about the natural wines coming from Europe.

I hadn't.

I did some research and was shocked by what I learned.

Most wines are highly processed and filled with toxins, just like most packaged foods. Natural wines, however, are free of commercial processing and additives. After tasting a few of these wines, there was no going back. Everything about the drinking experience was different, from the taste to the purity.

However, there was still a problem.

Since I was following a Ketogenic Diet (where sugar is public enemy #1), I wanted to drink only sugar-free wines. Since wine has no nutrition label, the sugar content is never known, and many wines have higher levels of residual sugar than I want to consume.

To know exactly what was in them, I started lab testing each wine and only keeping the ones that met my purity standards.

Whenever I shared these wines with friends, everyone fell in love with them.

It was from this personal journey that Dry Farm Wines was born. I set out to share more of these pure Natural wines with the world, and to educate people on what is really in their wine.

Now it's your turn.

Are you ready to embark on your journey into the higher quality world of Natural Wine?

Click here to get started.

Shawn Bankston